About Struck by Living

In Struck by Living, Julie Hersh picks apart the irony of her life with humor and brutal honesty. Despite at the time having a loving husband, healthy children, financial security, Julie attempted suicide three times. With the help of ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), Julie broke the deadly course of her disorder. Now well, Julie promotes the importance of mental wellness with collaborations with other artists and organizations.

Julie Hersh is an outspoken advocate for mental health awareness and author of the book Struck by Living: From Depression to Hope. Ms. Hersh revealed her story in her book to dispel myths about depression and to open the conversation about mental health. Julie actively promotes mental wellness using her Common SENSE wellness lists. These lists are available under the Resources tab on this website.

Learn more

Julie and her son, Daniel, featured on the Mental Health Channel

Julie and her son, Daniel, featured on the Mental Health Channel

Crowd gathered for a talk in Harrisonburg VA students from James Madison University

Crowd gathered for a talk in Harrisonburg VA students from James Madison University

Decidí Vivir Book Launch Video

Decidí Vivir Book Launch Video

Lost in Translation cast at Arts and Letters Live at DMA, see blog for the story

Lost in Translation cast at Arts and Letters Live at DMA, see blog for the story

Push up Campaign with Honor Courage Commitment see blog for the story

Push up Campaign with Honor Courage Commitment see blog for the story

Decidí Vivir Celebration

Decidí Vivir Celebration


  • The Road to Imagination
    March 11, 2020 In 2003, when my son Daniel was an elementary student at St. Mark’s School of Texas, a few of us moms got the bright idea of bringing Gregory Warmack aka “Mr. Imagination,” aka Mr. I to St Mark’s School of Texas. We felt this unique artist might inspire our young sons to explore art. Not wanting our daughter Rachel to miss out, I expanded Mr. Imagination’s Dallas tour to include Alcuin Montessori School (then called St. Alcuin’s). I worked furiously on this project, enamored with Mr. I’s work and...
  • What to Say When Suicide Happens
    February 26, 2020 Last spring, The Wall Street Journal published an article that confirmed the experience I'd had in the past 10 years since publishing my book, Struck by Living. One might expect that more suicides occur in the dark days of December, or over the holidays when familial tensions push people over the edge. My phone routinely rings off the hook in March and April with calls regarding suicide attempts or hospitalized family members. April was the month of my first suicide attempt. TS Elliot wrote "April is the cruelest month." So, in my gut, it feels like life gets far...
  • Wellness - Never Perfect, Always in Process
    February 23, 2020 Last Friday marked one year since my last ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). A year later, no medication, I'm relishing a period of wellness. I soak in every sunset, sunrise, moment of laughter, hug, hike, art exhibition, play or good meal that I can. Kahlil Gibran said this of joy and sorrow: "is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?" Ah yes, you can count on that. Those of us who appear joyful have built the vessel of ourselves with the pain of living deeply. One does not come without the other. Survival...



"Julie Hersh has bravely recounted her experiences with suicidality and depression. Her story is profound yet poetic. Julie's narrative provides a much-needed patient-centered perspective to those who care for the mentally ill. Her passion for communicating the devastating effects of depression and suicidality to others is a powerful tool in the war against the social stigma experienced by those who live with suicidal thoughts, those who have made suicide attempts, and those who have survived the suicide of a loved one."

Jane Mahoney
Jane Mahoney, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Director of Nursing Practice and Research,The Menninger Clinic: Assistant Professor, Menninger Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of MedicineHouston, TX
About Struck By Living

In Struck by Living, Julie Hersh picks apart the irony of her life with humor and brutal honesty. Despite a loving husband, healthy children, financial security, Julie attempted suicide three times. With the help of ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), Julie broke the deadly course of her disorder. Now well, Julie promotes the importance of mental health with collaborations with other artists and organizations.

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